Six critical lessons Google taught business owners in 2015
You will be surprised that there are things that the company still strives to achieve.

As 2015 comes to a close, there are lessons that everyone can learn from Google. If you are a business owner, you will find these lessons to be most beneficial. Actually there is something for everyone in the world of business and professional practice. Here are some of those vital lessons Google has taught the business world.
1. Make customer experience as simple as possible
Android is undeniably the easiest platform to use. It has the largest customer base across the globe. The Google search engine is also extremely easy to use. This has been the main driving force for Google right from the start. If you read the history of Google, it was founded with the aim of becoming the leading online data center. All of the world's information is now stored on Google's innumerable servers. Google has really made its client's experience simple and straightforward.
So, ask yourself today, if you are a website owner, are all those pages on your site relevant to your client's experience or may they be making their lives a bit harder? As a business owner, what is it that you can do to make your customers more comfortable when they are on your site?
2. Use data to make decisions
There has been an increasing growth in demand for data IT solutions all over the world this year. If there is a company that deals with data in order to make decisions then it must be Google. Even selecting the shade of the colors of the company logo requires data. Do not rely too much on opinion or experience of the seniors in business. Use some data analysis and testing to make sure that you are up to date with your decision. You do not want to make decisions that would have worked excellently a decade ago.
3. Improvement should never stop
Google has been improving as a company since its inception. In 2004 when the company went public there were more improvements. Some ten years later there is more diversity with Google bringing in more and more features on board and ideas to offer their clients. The company is worth billions if not trillions of dollars right now. Google is one of the few companies that can actually claim to be worldwide because it is indeed in every part of the world. Even though it holds a top position because of the quality of service it offers, it is not about to stop redefining itself and becoming ever better.
4. Stop wasting your time on what does not work
It might seem like Google does not make bad decisions. Every company makes some poor decisions at some point in time. However, what sets aside top companies from the others is that they realize the bad decisions and rectify them as fast as possible and if that means stopping they stop altogether. There was once upon a time something like Google Buzz and another product called Google Wave and yet another one called Google Reader. All of these products Google has discontinued because they are just not working for the company.
5. Get feedback
Feedback should be your business' driving force. There is no way you are going to survive without feedback unless you are extremely lucky. Google draws feedback from its clients for just about everything and anything. In your business, you should create an avenue through which your clients will be able to let you know what they think about your products and services.
6. Explore new ideas
Admittedly, Google being a rich company is able to engage itself in expensive projects and ventures while most other companies are not. However, even with the little you have, you can find a new idea that is best suited for your business to pursue.
Google being a leading enterprise with a worldwide presence is a company with authority. It is a company that is worth seeking advice from. There are so many things that you can learn from Google this year as 2015 is coming to an end.