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Wacky wine weekend in winter

All other activities during the four-day ‘weekend' will be ‘pay-as-you-go', with many of the activities free of charge. Visitors will also be able to purchase wine-by-the-glass or a bottle of wine to share amongst friends.
New attractions include the Robertson Winter Market, helicopter flips and a community tent with local performing artists. As part of its commitment to ensure a safe festival, a Zero Tolerance Policy is implemented towards ‘drinking and driving'. Visitors are requested to make use of the Buddy Bus or the Designated Driver Programme. The Buddy Bus facility enables groups of eight or more visitors to hire a chauffeur-driven mini-bus. Drivers who register for the Designated Driver Programme will be rewarded with a whole host of ‘complimentaries' including free coffee, soft drinks, coupons and special deals.
Go to www.wackywineweekend.com for a full programme.