Guinness World Record holders star in new Diesel campaign

In partnership with Guinness World Record, Diesel has cast an array of fresh talent, ranging from those with extraordinary physiques to others with peculiar – yet impressive– achievements. Through this collaboration, the apparel brand says it's exploring provocation and fun, highlighting anti-conformism and turning it into an antidote against the status quo.
"In this campaign, Diesel demonstrates successful living is personal to everyone, and it comes in all forms, promoting joy via unexpected discovery and to emphasise that every single one of us, regardless of our skills and selves, is extraordinary," the brand states.

Nine record holders and their stories are highlighted: Nick Stoeberl of California (US), with the world’s longest tongue at 10.1 centimetres; Maci Currin (US), with the world’s longest legs (female) at 135.27 centimetres (left) and 134.3 centimetres (right); Samantha Ramsdell (US), with the world’s largest mouth gape (female) at 6.52 centimetres; Joseph Grisamore (US), with the world’s tallest hair spike at 129.4 centimetres; Gary Duschl (US), with the longest gum wrapper chain at 32,555,68 metres; Jason Barnes (US), with the most drumbeats in one minute using a drumstick prosthetic at 2,400; Edward Niño Hernandez (Colombia), the shortest man living (mobile) at 72.1 centimetres tall; Maria José Cristerna (Mexico), with the most body modifications on a female at 49 modifications; James Brown (UK) with the largest collection of vacuum cleaners consisting of 322 models.
The Diesel x Guinness World Records campaign will continue to drop through 2021.