Yanmar's robotic tractors bring autonomous vehicles out to farm

On 1 October 2018, the company is releasing its two-series tractors equipped with the Smartpilot autonomous operating system and information and communications technology (ICT) that allow them to operate in autonomous and semi-autonomous modes.
Plowing a field is a lot more than just running a tractor up and down a field. It's actually a highly skilled job that requires significant training and practice to create a uniform pattern of rows that are properly spaced and follow the contours of the land in a way that minimizes erosion.
According to Yanmar, its unmanned Robot Tractors and semi-autonomous Auto Tractors are designed to not only decrease the need for manual labour, but also the need for trained drivers to perform high-precision field work – a particularly important factor in a country like Japan with large farms that are facing an aging agricultural workforce.
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Source: New Atlas

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