Cathay Pacific launches in-flight yoga programme to boost well-being of air travellers

The series of videos have been developed by Pure Yoga instructors to help passengers ease into their journeys with yoga and meditation exercises and tips. Passengers can now view the videos in English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Japanese across all Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon routes by accessing the lifestyle section on their in-flight entertainment screens.
Featuring founding teacher Patrick Creelman and senior instructor and co-founder Almen Wong, the series demonstrates yoga and meditation routines that can be done before, during or after a flight. Exercises are designed to improve circulation, enhance joint mobility and relax the mind for a comfortable and restful journey.
Cathay Pacific Entertainment, Platforms and Connectivity Manager Simon Cuthbert said: “We all know that sitting still for a long period of time can be uncomfortable. The need to get up, move and get your blood pumping is important during a flight. Yoga is an innovative way to do this. There are a series of exercises that can easily be done from an economy class seat whilst other moves are suitable for after the flight in your hotel.”