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Environment & Natural Resources
The state of our rivers is a clear reflection of the health of our environment
Dr Eunice Ubomba-Jaswa 6 Jun 2022

Environment & Natural Resources
World Wetlands Day: Berg Estuary gets international recognition

Environment & Natural Resources
Ingula Nature Reserve declared wetland of international importance

Environment & Natural Resources
Scientists warn of increasing threats posed by invasive alien species
Wiida Fourie-Basson 29 Jun 2020

Research & Development
Trees in South Africa are under attack. Why it's proving hard to manage
Trudy Paap 6 Feb 2020

Architecture & Design
Public-private partnership results in upgrade for rural winelands school

Environment & Natural Resources
Africa could lose more than half its bird and mammal species by 2100

Environment & Natural Resources
Scientists warn of continued dangerous decline in biodiversity, nature's contributions

Environmental Law
New Alien and Invasive Species Regulations impact on property sales
Louis Kruger 3 Dec 2014