The next global domain name-branding boom
The bottom line; the global domain name expansion is unstoppable, the global hunger for brand name visibility is irresistible and the clash of the two is now inevitable.
The new gTLD owners of 2,000 such game changers armed with their amazing 'naming machines' to rapid fire new cyber name brands on global ecommerce are on their call to battle.
Love it or hate they are the new ICANN gTLD dot names, now a reality, by the many hundreds they start to roam, despite all the rejection by the advertising agencies of the world, the next mega cyber boom of new style of massive cyber name identities will dominates the marketplace. New global age thinking is upon us and new global age trained corporate executives are in the midst of the digital storm. The rest of the business world is just catching up with these new twists and turns of global name identity positioning.
The corporate world must be able to understand the following critical issues:
Who are these game changers with new weaponry and what are these million dollar names?
What adjustments or alignments are necessary for large or small name identities on the planet?
What parts of domain name expansion and multilingualisation offer new mega opportunities?
What new skills set requirements have to be met by organisations to stay in the driver seat?
What were the main reasons for big name brands and their teams to miss the gTLD train?
When will dot destination branding become the next big agenda item on municipal politics?
What are the main reasons for the trademark profession to be cautious of domain expansion?
Why are ad agencies of the world so opposed and angry about all this expansion?
What EVERY business name identity or brand name owner must know...
What is your exact business or brand name identity?
How well it's working, really? When was it evaluated professionally?
What is your cyber name identity, the web address, the domain name?
How well both types of name identities are working in sync or just the opposite?
What are the new frontiers and will your name identities survive or will they simply fade away?
What are your options, evaluate, modify, change or what?
Name evaluation process involves 10 key steps
Is the name easy and will be attractive to end users?
How will alpha-structure make easy recall or become cumbersome?
Will the marketability become easy in time or short-lived?
How many hidden messages are behind the name and which ones are powerful?
Are there any distinct brand able features or messages in the name?
How protectable is the name identity in the short or long haul?
What will be the impact of controlled or open usage of the name?
How 'glocal' is the name and what are the translation issues?
What are the overall evaluations and will the name create some domination?
How to launch a name-armada focused on a special global agenda?
The cyber naming topic is already very complex and when aligned with marketing domination via name identity, it immediately creates fire. It's also very naïve to see all this from a single vantage point unless one forms circles of highly qualified and multidisciplinary teams with passion and empathy, the topic will become stuck in rhetoric and the entanglements of half knowledge. We are at a serious crossroads and must discover the 'tower of names' along with the global naming complexities while peeking at the upper stratosphere of super name identities. The right new gTLDs are poised to do very well. The answers are hidden now in the gTLD aftermarket boom and the role new game changer play in global name identity domination.
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