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Travel shenanigans with Die Koekemoers

Who are the Koekemoers? Introduce us (Actors and their characters)
Reinard du Plessis: The Koekemoers is a family of four very different characters. The family structure is made up as follows: Johan Koekemoer (Dad) - this role is played by the well-known Afrikaans singer Joe F. Marguerite Koekemoer (Mom) - this role is played by the beautiful Lizé van der Walt. Megan “Viper” Koekemoer (Daughter) – this role is played by Danielle Du Plessis. Johan Junior Koekemoer (Son) – this role is played by TJ Day.
What is behind the Koekemoers?
Du Plessis: The Koekemoers is made up of love and laughter. This show was produced to provide families with early morning comic relief before leaving for work. In the same breath, we showcase facilities and activities in a fun way.
Why have you gone with the holiday angle?
Du Plessis: The ATKV boast a number of resorts – this is an unconventional way to tie the brand and content together without boring the viewer.
What do you aim to achieve with the Koekemoers’ shenanigans?
Du Plessis: Talkability, fun and some entertainment.
Tell us more about the travel tips and destinations viewers can expect to get from the Koekemoers.
Du Plessis: The very first tip a viewer can see (from the first episode) is to make sure you pack your own bags into your car, trailer or caravan. Before leaving double check that everything is packed in that needs to accompany you and your family. Before driving away check the area around your car as well as to make sure nothing is forgotten or fell out. Without giving too much away for the upcoming episodes, other tips are:
• Make sure everyone in the family knows the predetermined meeting place at the final holiday destination.
• Check what events or parties the destination is hosting during the time you are there to provide you with local entertainment.
• Check what activities are available to take full advantage of your holiday.
• If you have a musical talent, don’t be afraid of making acquaintances and new friends.
• Always keep an eye on your children. If they don’t have enough activities to keep them busy, chances are they will look for unconventional entertainment.
Who do you aim to reach with the show? Who is your target market?
Du Plessis: Current and prospective holidaymakers excited by domestic travel.
Now for some cast questions with Nico Nel:
What was the funniest set?
Nico Nel: There were truly many memorable and funny moments on set: actors forgetting their lines, tripping over tent pegs, etc. But most memorable was certainly the banter and new phrases that were invented behind the scenes when the cameras stopped filming. Being forced into each other’s personal space for a week makes crew members think alike, speak alike and develop a brand new language that only they could understand, something that would seem quite foreign to outsiders. Needless to say the holiday-makers at Klein-Kariba felt a sigh of relief when the Koekemoers crew left on the last day because it was most certainly a very noisy bunch of creatives.
Worst morning person and why?
Nel: Most definitely Caroline, the makeup artist. Not because she is an unfriendly person in the morning, but because she is normally awake three hours before everyone else, busy getting ready for the day’s filming so by the time the crew’s normal morning starts, she has already been slaving away without coffee for half a day.
Biggest prankster?
Nel: Probably Joe. He and Rudi tried to prank the whole cast on the last day of filming by claiming they had a massive fall-out the night before and Rudi decided to leave the set and not return. So breakfast was an interesting situation, we waited to see whether or not Rudi would show up. Later we found him hiding in one of the vehicles.
Who is the jet setter of the group? The well-travelled actor?
Nel: Whaden (holiday guide to the Koekemoers), most definitely. Mr Jet setter kept the whole crew and production waiting for a day because he was flying in from Cape Town to film his scenes.
Who in the show is most like their character and why?
Nel: Although she would probably deny it, Mrs Koekemoer and Lizé van der Walt is one and the same person. All Mrs Koekemoer's funny phrases and saying from the series are 100% unscripted and straight from Lizé’s vocabulary.
And who is the least like their character and why?
Nel: Danielle is the complete opposite of what she portrays in her role in the first part of the series. She is, in fact, a very friendly, open and outgoing person that likes to be a part of everything.
Funniest line so far?
Nel: “Kyk my oog!”- Marguerite Koekemoer (Mom). A typical Afrikaans saying when a mother reprimands her kids.