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Domestly adds to its accolades

Supported by Uber, Opera, Mobile Monday South Africa (MOMO), the Mobile Ecosystem Forum (MEF) and the MMA, the AppsAfrica Awards celebrate the enormous growth in mobile, technology and entrepreneurship in Africa and this year attracted 200 submissions from 25 African countries.
Service expansion
The startup has just expanded its business to include a feature that allows users to book their favourite Domestly cleaner via subscription, with sign-up periods ranging from 3 to 12 months. Payment can be made monthly via debit order and cancelled at any time.
In addition to this is a recently launched service, called Domestly Business, which is specifically targeted at small to medium size companies who do not require a full time cleaner or companies who just don't want the hassle of employing someone full-time. These cleaners are fully vetted & checked and demonstrate formal office cleaning experience.
A 100% eco-friendly cleaning kit has also been added to the product line-up. The Beyond Green products are all-natural, effective bio-remediation cleaning products and can be delivered to one's home or office.
Find out more on their website