Going green: viable option for the mining industry
While, initially, it may be costly to initiate or implement environmental programmes to comply with South Africa's environmental legislation, the long-term benefits to a mining company opting to 'go green' could prove a viable option.
According to Pan-African Capital CE Dr Iraj Abedian, the concept of mining and managing the environment as a joint production activity could dovetail with other pursuits like the agriculture and light industry. Emerging coal company Ecca Group CEO Dale Packham says that, as a mining company works towards greener mining, investors will become secure in the knowledge that, owing to South Africa's stringent environmental procedures and directives, a company will be monitored and will operate in the right way.
Environmental compliance and future cost considerations are set to become a crucial business requirement and impact on the mining industry. This means that, to expand and grow, the mining industry will have to take environmental issues seriously - or risk having their access finance restricted, the commentators warned. Investment access is more readily available for environment-friendly projects. The concept of green finance and responsible investing has resulted in investors examining whether a company or mine is as sustainable as they should be, commentators said.
Read the full article on www.miningweekly.com.