NETCB offers training tour to BrainShare 2014

NETCB CEO Cobus Burgers says the modern IT world is a complex place and no one company has all the answers. "For challenges of the real world, you need real solutions. This is why you should attend BrainShare 2014."
Visitors can learn from engineers and developers, they can exhibit their own ideas and share with the finest brains in IT. They will be introduced to the latest updates of the technologies of these vendors. BrainShare offers demos, technical sessions and training on the products and services from Novell, NetIQ, Attachmate and various others.
"If you are not yet using any of the solutions offered by the Attachmate Group, then this is the ideal opportunity to gain significant knowledge on how the solutions from NetIQ, Novell and SUSE can radically improve the way you run your ICT infrastructure and Security Management," says Burgers.
NETCB has once again put a travel package together that will allow customers and partners to join the NETCB Tour as part of a group of travellers. It has negotiated special rates with the conference organisers, airlines and hotels for this conference.
"Not only will you learn how to implement agile knowledge management solutions rapidly, but this particular conference also has a strong training component where sessions are presented on how to solve everyday problems using these technologies," he concludes.
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