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New short course teaches you how to think like a cybersecurity expert

Enterprises University of Pretoria launched the Cybersecurity I short course to respond to these new industry needs. This new product was presented for the first time late in 2018 with the objective to give exposure and guidance to IT technicians on the basics of cybersecurity.
Prof. Jan Eloff and Prof. Hein Venter, Computer Science experts of the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology at the University of Pretoria presented the course which focused on teaching the delegates techniques for analysing and minimising the risk of security incidents appearing in an organisation. The course includes multiple practical sessions to demonstrate all of the concepts discussed in the course. Taught within the frameworks and standards such as the NIST Framework and ISO 27 000, the course delivers the highest knowledge and best practice for delegates.
The next intake for the Cybersecurity I short course is 27 March 2019. Delegates who sucessfully complete the programmme will receive a certificate from UP. For more information about the short course or to secure early registration, please contact Modjadji Masola at +27 (0)12 434 2500 or az.ca.pu.sesirpretne@alosam.ijdajdom. Alternatively you can enrol online or download the brochure. Visit our website for more information on our collaborative research and advisory services. |
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