Playing is an important way of learning
It can easily be said that children use playing as a vehicle to learn through exploration, imagination and investigation.

Many education theorists support the idea that playing is an essential part of children's lives, it teaches them to learn, think and solve problems, imagine, create and communicate.
Education expert Gavin Keller says, "There is a growing realisation that for most young children movement and playing is at the very centre of their lives. In playing children have the freedom to choose what interests them, and to learn at their own pace. With apps such as Stimulearn from Nestle NIDO 3+children are able to play and develop their skills in an interactive manner."
Early childhood education is rooted from the belief that learning through doing is fundamental for young children. For example, infants beginning to crawl are working hard to master a physical skill that will enable them to explore more fully in their environment. At a slightly older age, walking allows toddlers to have even greater opportunities for touching, manipulating, and creating with the objects around them. In the current digital world that we live in where it is a natural instinct for children to interact with devices, Nestlé NIDO 3+ introduces an innovative first in class digital learning App called Stimulearn.
The app serves as the ultimate visual learning tool specifically designed to meet the learning needs of children whilst understanding children need to be active with games such as:
Understanding that children learn interdependently and interactively with parents or teachers, the app also creatively combines parental interaction with cognitive stimulation through the various games that make up the app. The app also has a special learning feature for mothers to help monitor their child's development, equipped with tips and advice from experts.
Keller concludes "Movement activities are especially well-suited to helping children develop social skills.
Physical activities provide wonderful opportunities for children to engage in an integrated curriculum. Through the use of the Stimulearn app, young children are provided exciting opportunities to learn a variety of important concepts, focusing on the enhancement of the following key areas of cognition in children aged 3-5 years of age - Language, Psychomotor, Problem Solving, Attention/concentration and Memory".
For more, go to www.nidokids.co.za