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Air Traffic and Navigation Services donates libraries to rural schools

This marks its third donation through Breadline Africa's Mandela Day Libraries Project to under-resourced primary schools in rural areas of the Free State, Eastern Cape and Northern Cape provinces.
"As individuals, families, neighbours, we have the greatest power to build a big society. Our tradition insists that to build a just society we need personal responsibility, social responsibility and corporate responsibility," says Mulomoni Nesengani, ATNS Manager in the Office of the CEO.
CSI and engagement important for SA's growth
The Mandela Day Libraries Project (ATNS) provides an opportunity for children to gain access to books. However, it does rely hugely on the support of responsible corporate citizens like ATNS, according to Jade Orgill, Project Manager for Breadline Africa.
"The Mandela Day library launch at Ineeleng Primary is library number 52 in a project that reaches impoverished children all over South Africa. We are very proud of this achievement and look forward to working with ATNS in the future."
Orgill continued and said, "We need to be collectively responsible for the education of children and our local communities. Corporate social investment and engagement is so important for South Africa's growth. Transformation, skills development, breaking the cycle of poverty - it all hinges on projects like the Mandela Day libraries as well as the support of business."
At the Ineeleng Primary School library launch, school principle Mrs Moholoeng said, "We are delighted to have been chosen, our school now has a resource of hope for a better education."
Should you wish to sponsor a Mandela Day Library, please contact Jade Orgill: +27 21 418 0322/az.gro.acirfaenildaerb@stcejorp
For more information on Breadline Africa, please visit: http://breadlineafrica.org/
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