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Pretty Electric
Having a seriously blond moment, I blame it on the 'brain turning to mush in the holidays syndrome' rather than some new highlights, I misplaced my and friends tickets to see The Pretty Blue Guns and Ashtray Electric playing at Kirstenbosch in the Kirstenbosch girls toilets. Where the tickets disappeared to is a true mystery. Perhaps I flushed them down the loo, or more likely I think it was the-far-too-young-and-innocent looking five-year-old girl who arrived in the toilet just after us.
Luckily the nice man at the ticket desk believed I wasn't trying to scam him and kindly gave us two more tickets. Phew, disaster averted.

The Pretty Blue Guns

Ashtray Electric
A relatively new band on the scene. The Pretty Blue Guns supported Ashtray Electric and seemed to be pretty stoked and surprised that they had landed a prestigious Kirstenbosch gig (which must truly be one of the best settings in Cape Town to perform). Even though they seemed to be battling a few nerves they played a great gritty, country-bluesy rock set. Having seen them a few times before at the Assembly I was pleased to see the four have really grown and improved and did themselves proud on Sunday.
Ashtray Electric were up on the stage in a flash after The Pretty Blue Guns and smoothly started their set, hardly pausing between songs while delivering a very classy performance. Saving a few of their more faster paced songs for the end including their great first single "Swing", and ending with Andre performing a haunting acoustic version of one of their songs, Astray Electric were polished throughout.
All in all a 'pretty electric' Kirstenbosch debut for both bands involved.
A Fist Full of Diamonds is the next Old Mutual Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset Concert on the 3 January, featuring Josie Fields, Faryll Purkiss and Dan Patlansky. Click here to stand a chance to win two tickets.