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BizLounge and Simo raffle it up at Synergy Live

Congratulations to our winners:
- Main prize (guy): Blake Sarenback
- Main prize (lady): Charlene de Olivier
- Runners-up: Jordi Reddy, Claudia Lewis, Ben Koch and Lee-ann Petersen
These lucky few walked away with some awesome prizes after participating in the raffle that cost R5 per entry in which 100% of the proceeds will be contributed to the Nazareth House. The main prizes were worth well over a R1000 each consisting of albums from the likes of Van Coke Kartel, Fokofpolisiekar, The Sick Leaves, New Academics, The Dirty Skirts, Isochronous, Zebra & Giraffe etc. Also in the hamper were some über-cool T-shirts from those mentioned above as well as from Ashtray Electric and aKING.
The BizLounge would like to thank these bands as well New Holland, Yesterday's Pupil, Lark, Taxi Violence, Kidofdoom and Foto Na Dans as well their managers and PR reps for coming to the party and helping us tie up the ends of our very first CSI initiative. Special mentions go to Brett Schewitz from Sheer Sound, Linda Thompson from One Minute Trolley Dash Records and Riana Wiechers for Rhythm Records.

We'd also like to thank all of you who participated in the raffle. Yes, it was super hot and yes, you were hung-over on Saturday morning, but you made the effort of reaching into your pockets for a very good cause. We even managed to catch Maurice Paliaga of The Dirty Skirts while packing up his camping gear; he threw in his share but unfortunately didn't get to win Daddy Don't Disco back for the band ? Some of you did try to bribe us with things like a lifetime supply of mineral water and a case of beer among other tempting offers but all's fair in love and raffles I'm afraid.
You posers can check out your pics on our gallery
With your contributions we managed to accumulate R1550 in proceeds. Bizcommunity.com has decided to match that amount, rand-for-rand. In total, you the fans, and the BizLounge will be handing over R3100 to the Nazareth House in Vredehoek, Cape Town.
Says Janice Mulholland from the Fundraising Department of Nazareth House, "Can we at Nazareth House just say how wonderful it is that you have incorporated your giving to include everyone, and that sometimes those individuals don't find it as easy to give as corporate companies, so we thank all those individuals who put their hands in their pockets to help us to make a difference in some lives."
We plan to host more of these initiative's in 2010, but we'll possibly be coming at you from a different angle so watch out. You'll probably also meet Simo now and again, our newest BizLounge team member, at all sorts of entertainment gigs in CT so look out for him too.

About Sindy Peters
Sindy Peters (@sindy_hullaba_lou) is a group editor at Bizcommunity.com on the Construction & Engineering, Energy & Mining, and Property portals. She can be reached at moc.ytinummoczib@ydnis.