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Clegg kicks off Summer Sunset Concerts at Kirstenbosch

It was an energetic show, crammed full of well-known old hits, as well as a few less-well-known numbers from the now not-so-new “One Life” album. Johnny also shared his storytelling talent to give the history behind some of the songs. Johnny Clegg may be in his fifties but he looks in great shape and if anything seems to be growing younger, rather than older. Most of the band have been playing with him for a long time. They are tight, interactive and fun to watch, especially his “sister”, who has been supporting him for 22 years.
As usual, some of the crowd wanted to get up and dance beneath the stage, and as usual security made an effort to keep the area clear - at least for the first five or six songs. They gradually gave way to the energy of the crowd and let people dance and celebrate freely. While lively, everyone was friendly and well behaved. During several of the better-known songs, the entire crowd were up on their feet, clapping, singing and dancing. It was great to join in with such a large, happy, smiling crowd.
The only flaw I could find with this fun event was that it was over too soon, due to the imposed curfew. Johnny ended the show with his usual encore of Asingbananga.
Thanks Old Mutual for a great start to another season of Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset Concerts. On 6 December Jesse Clegg will be following in his father's footsteps and will be gracing the Kirstenbosch stage for the first time. To stand a chance to win two tickets to catch his performance click here.

About Alan Hughes
Alan Hughes is a Life Coach, a Craniosacral Therapist, and a Healer. His passion is to facilitate change, helping people lead the lives they dream of. Alan also contributes articles to the Biz Lifestyle. You can ring him on 076 2649127, email him at moc.nwotepacgnihcaocefil@nala or visit www.lifecoachingcapetown.com to learn more.