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Camphill Village West Coast music festival fundraiser

Camphill has provided a unique inclusive approach to life for intellectually disabled adults for over 50 years, involving them in the activities of a thriving community. Residents live and work at Camphill. They live in group homes, run by a group home leader, and work in one of the various enterprises on the premises. The enterprises consist of a dairy, a bakery, a cosmetics workshop and a working farm. Produce from the enterprises are sold to many shops and outlets in Cape Town. The revenue generated from these sales helps to sustain the organisation. The music festival is a fund-raising event to support the Camphill Village Westcoast community.
Tickets R200 at www.webtickets.co.za (Free entrance for children under four years and R100 for children under 13.)
Directions to the venue are on the Contact page of Camphill website.
For more information, contact Janine on +27 (0)21 571 8600 or go to www.camphill.org.za