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GIPCA to host live art festival
As interdisciplinary and genre-crossing work appears increasingly at the fore of local and international art practice, contemporary understanding and appreciation of these practices and their various manifestations is continually evolving. As a result, live art is a broad term that has come to encompass performance art, installations, experimental theatre and dance, and time-based art of the sort that exists on the fringes of visual and performing art practice.
Not a description of an art form
The pioneering Live Art Development Agency suggests that live art should not be understood as a description of an art form, but rather as a strategy to include a diversity of practices and artists that might otherwise find themselves excluded from all kinds of policy and provision, and all kinds of curatorial contexts and critical debates. In line with these thoughts, GIPCA invites proposals in two categories to present work on this ground-breaking platform.
Proposals are invited for young/emerging artists, and established artists. Proposals for work from young/emerging artists will be considered for an award to the value of R5 000. While the size of the project for established artists is not restricted, GIPCA is unlikely to award more than R20 000 per project.
Applications should be submitted via email to az.ca.tcu@acpig-nif. They should include a one page concept document, name, email address, landline and mobile numbers, an abridged CV, highlighting previous experience in creating such work, and a budget. The application deadline is Friday, 31 August 2012.