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Under the Influence

So, having managed to get ourselves lost in Epping Industrial (my moustache and I refused to ask for directions) we were way past the ‘ Doors close promptly at 8.30 ‘ mark, and dashed through security at Grand West Casino, pulling our noses up in a very busy and important manner so we could get to our seats in the Roxy Revue Bar.
The party was already in full swing as we took our seats and the leads, Liandé Valentyn and Ryan Cornelius already had the audience singing along and laughing at the host's comical anecdotes. I must say, I am not one for love and mush…not to mention musicals…why was i here again…oh yes, the moustache, but the performances by all involved were excellent and polished. The cast gelled well and even a fall off the stage during ‘Lady Marmalade' was turned from potential disaster to a hilarious and somewhat erotic turnaround for our host and vocalist, Gary Naidoo, and a few audience members!
As the evening drew on, we were taken through loves many moods through the forethought of musical director Kyle Peterson, I couldn't help but feel I should pull the old fake yawn and put my arm around my partner for the evening…Ah!!! I really MUST take this moustache off!!

After a show stopping finale and huge applause from the standing crowd, it was under the influence of love…and several glasses of wine that we went to shmooze with the actors at the after party in upstairs in Jackson Hall. Excellent food, good company and yes…several more glasses of wine were had before we headed back to the car, carrying Ruth's ridiculous heels…pssh…women!!!
“Under the Influnce of Love” will be running at the Roxy Revue Bar, Grand West Casino till the 19 July. For more info click here.