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Call to enter The Bollinger Exceptional Wine Service Award 2012

The high standards attained by Joakim Hansi Blackadder, now sommelier at Rust en Vrede Restaurant, (previously at The Roundhouse), the winner of the 2011 Competition, and the other finalists have set the benchmark for aspirant sommeliers. The competition is aimed at enhancing and recognising the calibre of local sommeliers and wine service staff.
A catalyst for the hospitality industry
Ginette de Fleuriot, marketing manager of Vinimark The Wine Company and organiser of The Bollinger Exceptional Wine Service Award, said: "We look forward to an increased number of entrants for The Bollinger Exceptional Wine Service Award 2012 and to wider representation from all of South Africa's premier tourist regions.
"This industry-wide initiative was established to advance the interests of all of the country's fine wine producers, as well as those who make their living from the sale of wine in hotels, restaurants and wine bars. The sponsors and organisers trust that this competition will continue to act as a catalyst for the hospitality industry to expand training facilities and support local sommeliers and sommeliers-in-training, in the interests of all those who enjoy dining out."
Poor history in South Africa
Neil Grant, chairman of the South African Sommelier Association (SASA) and one of the judges of the 2011 Competition, stated: "Wine service has a poor history in South Africa and only with incentives such as these will we find an improvement within the industry. Chefs in South Africa over the past 10 years have proven how good they are and now wine stewards/sommeliers need to be part of this movement, so we can challenge the international markets." SASA has committed to mentoring the winning candidate to assist in guaranteeing continued professional wine service of an international standard.
The Competition entry criteria are:
Those currently employed in the service of food and wine and with a history of minimum three years of such service
Contestants are required to have substantial knowledge of the local wine scene and of the professional service of both food and wine
An adequate knowledge of international wine appellations and styles of wine is also a prerequisite
More importantly, however, the contest examines the ability of those selling wine in the hospitality industry to relate what is produced in South Africa to the expectations of international visitors more familiar with the major wine producing regions of the world.
Competition dateline
First Round
Registration Forms and the completed question paper are to be submitted no later than 31 May.
Second round
The second round will take place from 6 to 8 August at venues to be announced.
Final round
Finalists will compete in Cape Town on 8 October at a venue to be announced.
The winner of The Bollinger Wine Service of Excellence Award will be announced at the Swartland Revolution on Friday, 9 November.
Judges of all rounds of the competition will include internationally trained sommeliers, Cape Wine Masters, and members of the hospitality trade.
To enter The Bollinger Exceptional Wine Service Award, go to www.wineserviceaward.co.za/registration