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Virgin Mobile Cape Town Fashion Week 2008

Being as fashionable as any Arts student lazing about on a patch of grass on UCT's upper campus, I found myself feeling constantly inadequetely dressed as the South African fashion fundies pranced up and down in the foyer of the CTICC. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a Gavin Rajah and a Hip Hop ensemble no matter how hard I tried. This obviously wasn't my sort of scene but for those in the know it was a highlight on the fashion calendar and a chance to flaunt your stylistic flavour. As frivolous as fashion may seem in a world engulfed by inequality, crime, hunger and disease; it's hard not to appreciate the creative talent from the inspired designers of our time.

About Sindy Peters
Sindy Peters (@sindy_hullaba_lou) is a group editor at Bizcommunity.com on the Construction & Engineering, Energy & Mining, and Property portals. She can be reached at moc.ytinummoczib@ydnis.