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go4word to direct Ajax Cape Town's social media interaction

In targeting social media platforms, go4word will engage and interact with fans and players to create excitement and build hype around the brand. Conversations amongst the followers will include debates, competitions and relative information for the fans.
The current Facebook profile has been migrated to a fan-centric interactive page where fans can get their daily football news, both club and PSL as well as information about Ajax Cape Town's CSI and supporter initiatives. #fanfriday features a "Player of the Week" profile with fun, behind the scenes information about your favourite players.
Interviews with players
Other exciting additions will be weekly video interviews with players and coaches, training session videos and need to know information about transport, food and ticketing for all home games. go4word will include the use of a twibbon featuring the Ajax logo and Urban Warrior helmet, which supporters can load to their Twitter and Facebook profile images to show their support for the team.
Fans can follow @ajaxcapetown on Twitter using the hash-tag #ajaxct and on their new official facebook page Ajax-Cape-Town. Weekly give-aways of Ajax Cape Town merchandise will reward loyal supporters who use the hash-tag in their tweets. One lucky fan will win a signed Ajax jersey at home matches and there will be spot prizes for fans who "check-in" when attending matches.
"In today's modern football environment we need to realise that our fans communicate through new mediums and technology. We have experienced tremendous interest in our Facebook, website and Twitter accounts with experiential growth in followers," George Comitis, CEO of Ajax Cape Town said. "We are excited that Go4word will help us in becoming the front runners of social media in the South African football world. Ultimately, by enticing fans with competitions and hype we will see increased attendances at our home matches."