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Latest Nivea TV commercial features real people and their inspirational stories

"For the first time, Nivea has created a television commercial, not featuring models, but real South African people. The commercial tells the story of three everyday heroes in South Africa and celebrates their acts of kindness and generosity. These people not only love, but also live by the true embodiment of ubuntu - the belief that together we are so much more," explains Kerstin Bird, MD of Beiersdorf Southern Africa.
The rationale behind this special commercial was that it should capture the spirit of ubuntu. "The costs of making the commercial were, as far as possible, channelled back to further assist the heroes we featured. Instead of incurring substantial location and set costs, we filmed the commercial where our heroes live and work every day.
"The brand also commissioned Duduza Serenades, a 35-strong children's choir, who are mainly orphans, from Ekhuruleni, to provide the background melody. A Nivea employee, Nomfundo Mpati, wrote the script and the assistant director and on-set PA were up-and-coming young professionals, given an opportunity to get real experience on set."
Unsung heroes
Michael Shabalala from Durban is one of South Africa's real heroes. He knows first-hand just what it means to be abandoned and alone. At the age of just four, he ran away from home and spent his childhood on the streets of Durban and in and out of children's shelters. But he has turned his life around and now cares for vulnerable children through the National Association of Child Care Workers (NACCW). For eight years, he has dedicated his life to giving children a voice, creating places of safety and supporting them to focus on their schooling.

Gogo Hazel (Hazel Myezo) is lovingly referred to as 'the heavenly daughter' within her close-knit Alexandra community. Family is important to her. Despite having a child of her own, she adopted two others and has welcomed her brother's wife and four children into her home in Alexandra. Every day - and often long into the night - she passionately shares her craft skills with her extended family and unemployed women in the community, empowering them to make a living. Having utilised her sewing, beadwork, crocheting and knitting skills to earn a viable income, she is determined to pass them on.
Boitumelo, 31 year-old, knows the value of a mother's loving care. Despite the financial burden of three children, Boitumelo and Samuel, her husband of 13 years, lovingly welcomed her sister Kedinametse and her baby boy into their home in Windsor East, Johannesburg. Kedinametse, who was unaware that she was pregnant, was diagnosed with TB shortly after her arrival and died a few weeks after giving birth. In honour of her sister, Boitumelo and Samuel, without hesitation, decided to foster the two babies and provide a loving family for them.
Sustainability strategy
The television commercial forms part of the skincare giant's long term global sustainability strategy 'We Care', which aims to strengthen families worldwide. It focuses on the all-important values of closeness, trust and responsibility. "Skin care is our core business. For generations, we have contributed to our consumers' wellbeing. As a part of their everyday lives, it has become a trusted family and community member, and our care extends beyond just skincare," adds Bird.
"What is unique to South Africa is that the spirit of togetherness extends beyond what the rest of the world perceives as the nuclear family both because this is the culture of its people and because tragic circumstances have often broken down the traditional family structure. In the African culture, the understanding of family revolves around ubuntu. Through working together to serve the wider community, people can become more. That is why, in South Africa, the wider community is seen as family.
"Our country is filled with inspirational people who dedicate their lives to caring for others. We have chosen three local heroes to feature in the new Nivea television commercial. Through this, we are celebrating everyday people who create a sense of family where there is not a nuclear, traditional family. Elderly grandparents or even children because of the tragedy of HIV/AIDS head many households. Where these caregivers are absent, members of wider communities reach out to these children."
Beiersdorf South Africa has invested just over R1 million in 2014 in the people and NGOs behind its TV commercial. Of this, just over R72,000 is going towards the Gogo Beanie Project via an order for 850 beanies. This will create work for over 600 gogos.
In addition, Boitumelo's foster baby, who appears in the commercial, will receive a R90,000 educational fund. Nivea will also invest R860,000 towards the National Association of Child Care Workers (NACCW) Isibindi SafePark Programme, to make safe play time accessible to more children, and enable care workers to engage with children through play in order to better understand where they need support in their lives. Additionally, in December 2014, Nivea distributed 85,000 'care packs' filled with toiletries valued at R100 each to various NGOs around the country to care for the carers of our nation.