News South Africa

Greening Natural Resource Efficiency roadshows for Oct 2011

The National Department of Tourism (NDT), Departments of Environmental Affairs (DEA), Water Affairs (DWA) and Eskom will conduct the National Greening and Resource Efficiency road shows to educate tourism product owners on the importance of using available natural resources (water and energy) optimally and efficiently in their sector. The road shows will take place from 5 July to 27 October 2011.

South Africa is rich in natural and cultural resources and tourism is dependent on these assets for its continued existence. The White Paper on Responsible Tourism requires the sector to promote responsible tourism practices with a view to maximise economic, social and environmental benefits andminimise costs to destination and as well as to improve local economies.

Participants in the road shows will be afforded the opportunity to learn more about resource saving measures and those who comply with the energy saving requirements will be incentivised. The focus of the road shows will be on: The Green Economy, Waste Management in Tourism; Water Conservation and Demand Management; Energy Efficiency in Tourism; Universal Accessibility and Climate Change.

For more information, go to

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