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Packaging Company news South Africa

Packaging withstands the test of time

The marketing world is awash with new techniques for crowdsourcing, connecting and socially interacting with products, brands and people. However, while it seems that most things have gone digital, packaging has firmly withstood the test of time.
Packaging withstands the test of time

During the 90s, TV and print advertising generally shaped consumers' first opinions about products and brands. Then, in 2002, Procter & Gamble announced an initiative called the First Moment of Truth (FMOT), which emphasised packaging that stands out on shelf. With the advent of more impactful packaging, consumers soon began making many of their purchasing decisions in-store.

Nine years later, as consumers became increasingly more digitally connected, Google coined the term, Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) - the point in the buying cycle when consumers research a product - which again marked a turning point in the way shoppers search for information (online) and make decisions about brands.

With overwhelming choices available at retail, how do brand owners and marketers get consumers to notice their products and sway their purchasing decisions in favour of their brands?

Here are four tips from packaging specialist, Pyrotec PackMedia, a Pyrotec brand:

  1. Put your product in the eye zone

    Packaging withstands the test of time

    Sight is the most important sense for consumers as they scan retail aisles for items they need. To attract attention, products should be displayed at eye level and a hanging mechanism incorporated into packaging makes this easy to achieve. The innovative range of Do-It Hang Tabs and Display Strips from Pyrotec PackMedia enables retailers to display products on-peg in the line of sight, and in high-traffic areas close to check-out points, rather than placing them amid the clutter on shelves.

  2. On-pack promotions

    Another way to attract impulse purchases or influence undecided shoppers is by using on-product promotions such as discount coupons, competitions, or special offers. An ideal on-pack device for this purpose is ElastiTag®. The tag is available in numerous shapes and sizes, and is usually custom-manufactured to suit packaging and marketing objectives. It also stays put, thanks to a distinctive elastomer loop that's designed to fit snugly around the product.

  3. Create packaging that sells

    Packaging withstands the test of time

    With so many products vying for attention on shelf, packaging needs to be strategic. Does it look good while informing, educating and engaging consumers? Pyrotec PackMedia's professional team assists customers to find the perfect balance between aesthetics and information. Its pioneering range of labelling solutions includes Fix-a-Form® promotional and informational booklet-labels that multiply on-pack communication space many times over without impacting on packaging space.

  4. Sell with a sample

    Including free samples on-pack is a great way to maximise packaging space, incentivise purchases and cross-sell by encouraging consumers to trial other products in a range. Pyrotec PackMedia has the ultimate sample delivery tool - the ElastiTote®. This on-pack device carries a combined trial sample and informational leaflet using a highly durable hang tag attachment. With an array of custom dies, designs and prototypes available, the possibilities are endless.

For more information, visit

Pyrotec is a proudly South African company with its focus aimed firmly on the future. Its five brands - Pyrotec PackMark, Pyrotec PackMedia, Pyrotec PackLink, Pyrotec PackWorx and Pyrotec Finance - make this an industry-leading company that specialises in a comprehensive range of coding and labelling equipment, on-pack informational and promotional devices, merchandising solutions, development and manufacturing of automated systems for the packaging and manufacturing industry and making finance options available to customers. Pyrotec's software offering ensures product integrity, optimises coding activities, and helps secure centralised data management systems and label tracking systems.
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