Industry news: Eastern Cape gets latest generation ultra-high resolution MRI
Drs Visser, Erasmus, Vawda and Partners Installs Philips Achieva 3.0T System
Patients and physicians in the Eastern Cape now have access to one of the newest and highest-resolution magnetic resonance imaging scanners available in the world. Drs Visser, Erasmus, Vawda & Partners recently installed the Achieva 3.0T system from Philips Medical Systems, a global leader in medical imaging and patient monitoring systems. The ultra-high-field Achieva 3.0T system enables faster and higher-resolution scans, resulting in superb image quality and more accurate diagnoses.
Achieva 3.0T Boosts Radiology Practice
Drs Visser, Erasmus, Vawda and Partners MRI Radiologist Dr Danie Meintjes says this latest addition significantly boosts the practice's capacity to better and more timeously diagnose a variety of medical conditions, including brain and nervous system disorders, cardiovascular disease and organ disease. “We did not take the decision to buy the Achieva 3.0T lightly,” explains Dr Meintjes. “We undertook extensive research, and Philips Medical Systems we believe is by far the market leader in high-end applications. The Achieva 3.0T in particular is the most flexible system on the market for sequence manipulation. Its exceptional image quality will routinely show us structures that previously we would only have seen in exceptional circumstances.”
Philips Medical Systems managing director JJ van Dongen says Philips has a strong history of technological innovation and globally is one of the largest providers of healthcare technologies and related services. “For doctors and patients who understand that the latest technology can improve outcomes, the Achieva 3.0T MR system represents what they have been looking for: the very latest technology that provides exceptional image quality in the most patient-friendly environment.”
One of the beauties of the Achieva 3.0T is its innovative design which is less intimidating and less claustrophobic than other MR machines. Dr Meintjes says the wide patient opening, fast scan times and accurate scans that reduce the need for rescanning all contribute to a more positive scan experience for the patient. “Because certain studies are only possible at 3.0T, for example breathhold spectroscopy of the adrenal glands in the abdomen, we believe that purchasing the Philips Achieva 3.0T is the best long-term investment for ultra-high-field strength applications. An added bonus is that we can now routinely see cartilage tears, something that was virtually impossible in the past.”
Drs Visser, Erasmus, Vawda and Partner's radiology practice is fitted with the latest in high-end software allowing for many new clinical applications to give referring doctors increased confidence when diagnosing and treating their patients. For more information Drs Visser, Erasmus, Vawda and Partners can be contacted on 041 365 4333.
For more information, contact:
Jasslyn Loader
(011) 772-1004
084 551 3056
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