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Join in - do the Organ Donor Foundation Big Walk
Every living person has the potential to save a life. On Saturday, 23 October 2010 the world will walk across five continents to raise awareness for organ donation and transplantation.

The world's biggest walk is the only global event that knows no borders or state lines and has one vision. We all have a choice and a voice, through the power of our feet.
Date: Saturday, 23 October 2010
Venue: Johannesburg Zoo
Time: Registration is at 8:00 am and the walk starts at 9:00am
Cost: Adults R40 and kids R30 this includes entrance to the Zoo
Distance: 5km
To take part: Register online at www.odf.org.za or e-mail az.gro.ronodnagro@enilorac or az.gro.ronodnagro@nyrat.
In 2009 alone 368 organ transplants were done. The Organ Donor Foundation hopes to create awareness around the issues surrounding organ donation, so come walk with us and understand the importance of organ donation and make a difference.
To show your support T-shirts are available on www.odf.org.za and will also be available on the day.