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The grass just got greener for Instant Grass
Instant Grass, Africa's youth insight mining and trend forecasting specialists, have added Coca Cola Kenya to its list of subscribers. Coca Cola Kenya has joined global youth brands such as MTV; Levi Strauss and Red Bull.
Other subscribers include First National Bank, British American Tobacco, MTN and Unilever; while ad agencies such as Network BBDO; FCB; Ogilvy and Lowe Bull have all used Instant Grass's broad range of services.
Instant Grass co-founder Greg Potterton says: "With our huge learnings in the South African youth market over the past few years, and the fact that our strategic team have all been with us for an average of two years, we decided that it would be best to use grass networks - teams of specifically recruited, young trend leaders - in the various markets and to process that information in our head office.
"We process all of our raw information here and it hits clients' desks internationally in the form of actionable insights and strategic recommendations within 24 hours."
"We now have an Instant Grass office in Kenya, and we are very excited to be rolling out our business model internationally.
"Before the end of the year we will be operational in Tanzania and Uganda with many other countries in the pipeline - but importantly, we are already stronger than ever in South Africa, and are now focussed on expanding on our successful model with new products, aimed specifically at marketers seeking to better understand the lucrative youth market."