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Satsa launches Golf Chapter to boost South Africa's golf tourism

The launch of the Golf Chapter follows years of work by Satsa to formalise a partnership with South African Tourism (SAT) around collaborative golf tourism promotion. “Having a Golf Tourism Chapter within Satsa allows for structured engagement with SAT. Under the umbrella of Satsa, it provides the golf tourism industry with a platform from which to drive this important tourism sector for South Africa,” says Carl Reinders, co-owner of Pro Golf Africa Safaris and Satsa member, who has been appointed as Golf Chapter chair.
“Our major competitors in this segment do not face the challenge of being long-haul destinations, but in terms of value and the overall offering, South Africa has far more to offer over and above the quality of our golf courses and hospitality. When you add cultural experiences, gastronomy, wine, great weather all year round, the beauty of our country and course safaris, no country can compete with our offering."
Raising awareness of SA as a premier golf destination
Satsa has now submitted a business plan to SAT that focuses on creating awareness around South Africa as a premier golf destination. Key elements include the sponsoring of a South Africa pavilion with 12 exhibitors and funding of a destination presentation at the biggest golf trade show in the world, the International Golf Travel Market (IGTM) conference in October in Lisbon.
Satsa has also suggested a familiarisation trip for international golf tour operators and pros to experience firsthand South Africa's world-class but underappreciated golf offerings and the making of a promotional video showcase.
The Golf Chapter’s first meeting was held virtually on 23 February 2024, convening members to shape its priorities, structure, and activities. "The launch of this chapter represents our ongoing commitment to enriching the services we offer our members. We invite them, whether involved in golf tourism or simply interested in exploring synergies, to join and contribute," says Frost.