OncologySurvival of the fittest: how brain tumours adapt through complex ecosystemsDarren Ó hAilín 8 Jul 2015
NeurologyJohns Hopkins researchers find promising therapeutic target for hard-to-treat brain tumor3 Sep 2013
OncologyRepeated surgeries appear to extend life of patients with deadliest of brain cancers6 Nov 2012
Medical ResearchBlocking cholesterol in brain cancer cells may offer new strategy to fight deadly glioblastomas16 Sep 2011
OncologyImmunogene therapy combined with standard treatment is safe for patients with brain tumors17 Aug 2011
OncologyNew research project aims at understanding the genetic origins of childhood cancers28 Jan 2010
OncologyExperimental lung cancer drug promising against brain cancer glioblastoma and prostate cancer4 Jan 2010
Noncommunicable diseasesAnti-cancer drug made from corn lillies kills brain tumour stem cells15 Oct 2007