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Show profile Hide profileRenu-Karoo offers a consulting service to assess veld condition on Karoo ranches, advise on veld restoration and supply seeds of common Karoo plants.
In the village of Prince Albert we run an indigenous nursery that propagates 600 indigenous plant species for gardens, landscaping and veld restoration. We also do contract growing of Karoo plants and supply culinary herbs and fruit trees.
Our experience includes 25 years of academic research in the Karoo as well as practical experience in the fields of veld restoration and Karoo plant propagation.
Renu-Karoo offers a consulting service to assess veld condition on Karoo ranches, advise on veld restoration and supply seeds of common Karoo plants.
In the village of Prince Albert we run an indigenous nursery that propagates 600 indigenous plant species for gardens, landscaping and veld restoration. We also do contract growing of Karoo plants and supply culinary herbs and fruit trees.
Our experience includes 25 years of academic research in the Karoo as well as practical experience in the fields of veld restoration and Karoo plant propagation.