Self-healing through relaxation
Claudia Klein 7 Mar 2014
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×Owner and Manager at the South African Institute of Hypnotism and Mindworksa.com
Claudia Klein is an expert hypnosis practitioner and the owner and principal hypnotherapy instructor at the South African Institute of Hypnotism (SAIH) and the Mastermind Training Centres in Cape Town and Johannesburg, which are accredited by the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (USA) and the UK-based APHP (The Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy).
She is an international speaker, facilitates workshops and maintains her private practice in Cape Town where she works with individuals and groups. She has featured in various magazines, talk radio stations and television.
She has been involved in the field of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy for 15 years and understands many of the challenges people face and is completely dedicated to bring understanding, self empowerment and lasting positive change to enrich people's life.
Her range of Hypnosis CDs, downloads and other mind inspiring tools are available through www.mindworksa.com.
"I absolutely believe that each one of us has all resources to deal with our issues. People need to be empowered to start believing this for themselves. When they do, changes are sometimes short of miracles."