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Business Presentation Group | Cape Town | Training- communication skills development | |
Elima Consulting | Pretoria | Skills Development and Training | |
Equanimity | Johannesburg | Coaching, Executive Development, Training | |
Human Inc | Johannesburg | HR Consulting and Payroll | |
Lux Mundi Training | Cape Town | Skills and NQF training | |
Minerva Books | Vereeniging | Training bookings | |
National Black Contractors and Allied Trades | Pretoria | Direct Marketing | |
Prose and Coms Business Narratives | Johannesburg | Skills, team and personal development and training | |
Rekaofela Youth Development Organisation | Vereeniging | Computer training life skills training, sewing ski | |
Seta Accreditation Services | Ramsgate | Training Provide Accreditation, Skills Development | |
Skillset Consulting | Roodepoort | Consulting and training | |
Takusani Group | Sandton | Skills Development, Training, Socio Economic | |
The Dream-Well Network | KwaDukuza | To recruit and train young graduates. | |
Training Dynamics | Skills Development, Training, Seminars, Workshops | ||
ZN Training & Consulting | Johannesburg | Education and Training |
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