The world needs hundreds of thousands more offshore wind turbines - where will they all go?Hugo Putuhena, Fraser Sturt and Susan Gourvenec
Embracing disruptive innovation in the social development sector - a road map for 2020 and beyondNext Generation 5 Nov 2019
Green roofs improve the urban environment - so why don't all buildings have them?Michael Hardman and Nick Davies 7 Oct 2019
New technologies can be a force for good in Africa if they're developed from the groundRoland Benedikter 30 Aug 2019
Liveable cities rankings: how a global enterprise is influencing urban changeJenny McArthur and Tim Moonen 12 Apr 2019
#DesignIndaba2019: Creating architecture for the African continent for the next 100 yearsLouise Marsland 4 Mar 2019