'It's our stuff': Consumers wage right-to-repair revolutionCarey L. Biron and Umberto Bacchi 19 Oct 2021
How designers can maintain their individuality working at big fashion housesMarie-Agnes Parmentier 14 Sep 2021
To ban or not to ban plastic shopping bags? Implications and proposed solutionsAsphat Muposhi, Mercy Mpinganjira, Marius Wait 23 Jun 2021
They're everywhere: New study finds polyester fibres throughout the Arctic OceanPeter S. Ross 1 Feb 2021
Luxury goods: why elite brands are weathering the pandemic better than high street retailersShaun Borstrock 17 Nov 2020
How the decline in Chinese tourists around the world has hit the luxury sectorXiaoqing Chen and Carol Zhang 1 Oct 2020
The coronavirus pandemic requires us to understand food's murky supply chainsCory Searcy and Pavel Castka 6 Aug 2020
Why apparel brands' efforts to police their supply chains aren't workingJason Judd and Sarosh Kuruvilla 8 Jun 2020