With $1m in grant funding, ACCF launches entrepreneurship project for women, youth

The scheme, YouthAdapt: Empowering women and youth for entrepreneurship and job creation in climate adaptation and resilience, plans to develop transformative climate-resilient bankable projects aligned with African countries’ nationally determined contributions.
YouthAdapt is a flagship programme under the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP) which aims to unlock the untapped potential of youth in Africa to drive resilience and green enterprise.
The virtual rallied together stakeholders, including the project team, quality control, adaptation, gender, and communication experts, and climate change and green growth experts to share experiences.
African youth leading the way
AAAP coordinator and principal climate change officer Edith Ofwona Adera said, "African youth are leading the way, not in talk, but in concrete climate action, as agents of change, innovators, and entrepreneurs.”
She said the scheme would support women-led local enterprises promoting adaptation solutions to create additional jobs.
Adera thanked the ACCF for collaborating on the projects. She also commended the fund for its role in facilitating the production of proposals.