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Top content marketing tips for SEO success
Content marketing is an important part of search engine optimisation. If you don't get this bit right, your website traffic will plummet and other, more competitive brands, will steal your business away. So what is the secret to effective content marketing and how do you find the right internet marketing company in Las Vegas?
What is SEO anyway?
Search engine optimisation is a combination of many different things, not just traffic and revenue from conversions. If you concentrate on these areas to the exclusion of everything else, your content marketing strategy will suffer. For best results, content needs to be part of a bigger picture rather than being heavily weighted towards driving traffic.
What makes great content?
If you engage with a website design company in Las Vegas the chances are good that they will offer to provide you with content for your website. This is great if you don't have time to write your own content, but before you accept, make sure it adheres to the following guidelines:
- Write for readers not search engines - In the past a huge amount of cheap content was churned out for one reason only: to drive traffic to a website by way of keywords. The quality of the content was seen as unimportant. Having the right keywords was the only requirement. Things have now changed. Content needs to be good quality and not stuffed with keywords. And if you need any persuading, check out what happened to all those poor quality websites when the Panda update hit.
Tell a story - Readers like content that tells a story. It doesn't have to be a story in the fictional sense, although feel free to post your memoirs if you feel you need to share it with the world. Stories engage readers and encourage people to become customers, which is the whole point of the exercise.
Offer value - Content should always offer 'value'. Good content isn't about making a sale. Rather it is about building a relationship, brand and trust. The more readers trust you and believe in your authority, the more likely they are to choose your company when they are ready to buy.Plan content wisely
Writing any old stuff just won't do. Research what customers want and meet their needs accordingly. Perhaps they come to your website looking for advice? If so, write useful, informative 'how to' articles to help them perform certain tasks or learn more about the products you sell.
Experienced SEO Las Vegas consultants will be able to research what people are looking for when they search in your niche. Use this information to provide a framework for your content marketing strategy. And if it isn't working as you hoped, take a step back and review what you have done so far to figure out what went wrong.
Content marketing is a good investment, but only if it is done correctly. Try and write 'evergreen' content that stands the test of time. That way, even when your content marketing campaign has ended, that content will still continue to drive traffic and attract more customers.

About Boris Dzhingarov
Boris Dzhingarov graduated UNWE with a major in marketing. He is the CEO of ESBO ltd brand mentioning agency. He writes for several online sites such as Tech.co, Semrush.com, Tweakyourbiz.com, Socialnomics.net. Boris is the founder of MonetaryLibrary.com and cryptoext.com.