Ugandan women build alternative to YouTube

YouTube is the world's most popular online video community, allowing millions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos from around the globe. The new site,, has narrowed down the entertainment focus to songs and images of Uganda's most popular musicians and singing groups including; Joseph Mayanja (Chameleon), Bebe Cool also known as Moses Ssali, Julian Kanyomozi, and Ngoni, among others. U-2ube also carries celebrity interviews and images from Uganda for Ugandans living both home and abroad. In addition, it gives users an option of developing their own profile
Ugandans reluctant to view inapprorpiate content
U-2ube has been in the making for years and "a lot of thought," has been put in it, according to the United Kingdom-based female group behind the innovation. "Most Ugandans are by nature reluctant to view inappropriate images which seem to be everywhere and they come in all forms these days." "So, we thought we would come up with a platform where Ugandans, the world over, can enjoy familiar sounds and see images from home and beyond, without having to put up with the chuff," the U-2ube team says on its website. The women remained silent on their identities despite attempts to seek more information about who they are. But they refer to themselves as "young ladies."
Until its coming, Ugandans have heavily relied on YouTube to either watch or listen to free music from their local artistes without any serious contenders offering dedicated content.
Another site,, operated by Hipipo Limited Marketing and ICT services has also ventured into YouTube's territory adding a Facebook touch to the innovation with a social networking division. "Hipipo is committed to enabling friends and friends of friends. Share information and photos about jobs, weddings, events, and tours and ravel," the company says.