5th Intercontinental Advertising CUP: Grand CUP winner - Germinal Comunicación

Grand CUP winner:
Title: Pills against the Others Pain Campaign
Agency: Germinal Comunicación
Country: Spain
Client: Doctors Without Borders
Creative Director: Jorge Martínez
Art Director: Jorge Martínez
The objective of the Pills against the Others Pain Campaign was to encourage the people of Spain to fight against forgotten diseases such as kala azar, chagas, sleeping sickness, tuberculosis, malaria or infantile AIDS. The Pills against the others pain are 6 mint caramels, which were distributed only through pharmacies at €1 price. Each of the six mint sweets represents the six forgotten diseases at which the initiative was aimed and the money made was used to finance projects by Medécins Sans Frontières for the treatment of these ailments.
The main TV spot was starred by Luis García Berlanga (famous Spanish film director), but many others on which artists, athletes, and several famous people encouraged to buy the remedy against the pain of others, were also broadcasted.
Luis Miguel Messianu, president and chief creative officer, Alma DDB, Miami, USA and The CUP jury member about the winner: "The winning work, the Grand CUP , is showing that the Power of industry is able to change the work, to improve life in general."
Overall the Jury granted 34 CUP trophies.
9 Cup trophies went to Asia Pacific agencies, 7 Cups to Ibero-American creatives, 12 Cups to European agencies selected by ADC*E and 6 Cups to agencies whose work has entered the competition by winning at Golden Drum.
The jury selected 126 nominees; 53 from ADFEST, 22 from FIAP, 34 from ADC*E and 17 from Golden Drum.
Jure Apih, founder and CEO of Intercontinental Advertising Cup: "Winning works precisely acclaim the mission of The Cup competition, approves the concept of this festival, the power of local creativity enriched by the local spirit."
Creative Leadership Award
Uniqlo Japan, the first Firecup winner in Istanbul
Intercontinental Advertising CUP and Berlin School of Creative Leadership announced the first Creative Leadership Award. Steel Cup with the Fire ring, the symbol of Berlin School of Creative Leadership inside was designed to recognise and pay tribute to exceptional leaders who have set new standards in the communication and creative industries.
Uniqlo, Japan is the first winner of this new award honouring their standard-setting work, one of the most awarded at The CUP competitions. The award was received by Koichiro Tanaka, Creative Director, Projector Tokyo. Rei Matsunuma, Marketing Director of Uniqlo was also granted.
All Intercontinental Advertising Cup winners and nominees gallery you can find on Creative Society web site.
Photo gallery is available at http://www.thecupawards.com/program/photo-gallery/.