Programme for Intercontinental Advertising CUP and summit

More than 30 high-profile speakers, golden winners from four continents, gurus, teachers, managers, creative leaders, stars and global legends will share the Golden Stage of Istanbul.
The preliminary programme
Thursday, 26 January:
- Golden Stage of Istanbul - presentations of 12 golden winners from four continental festivals. The key element of presentations will be explanation of their personal attitudes, visions, insights ... for being a winner.
- The Gunn Report 2011 world premiere by Donald Gunn, founder of The Gunn Report
- Call for Creative Leadership by Michael Conrad, president of Berlin School of Creative Leadership
- Midnight Awards Marathon - Non-stop screening of awards reels from advertising festivals ADFEST, FIAP, ADC*E and Golden Drum.
Friday, 27 January:
Slavoj Žižek, perhaps one of the hottest philosophers of our time
Edward de Bono, global teacher of creative thinking
Boris Podrecca, Spirit of the place in architecture
Joakim Jonason, global creative director of the decade
Jimmy Lam, president of ADFEST
Franco Moretti, president of ADC*E
Farid Chehab, honorary chairman, advisor to the Board Leo Burnett MENA
Ulrich Proeschel, vice president Business Development, TBWA Europe
Full programme available here.
Young CUP Competition is back!
Together with CreativeSociety, the organisers are opening a new Facebook contest for the best logo design titled "The Stolen Logo". The organisers are challenging young creatives to come up with a good logo and submit their entry by 12 December. The author of the winning entry will be awarded with full participation at Intercontinental Advertising CUP and Summit, 25 - 28 January 2012 in Istanbul (travel and accommodation included)! And that is not all.
Everybody who submits a logo, will be awarded with one-year premium membership at CreativeSociety.
CreativeSociety is a web service that lets advertisers showcase their work. Apart from that, it focuses on putting together a whole collection of works from several advertising festivals.
The competition is open to young creatives from all around the world who are at 18-29 of age at time of entry.
"The Stolen Logo" is one the first of the three competitions that will be organised for your creatives in scope of The Young CUP Competition. A brand new competition with a new brief will start on 12 December.
For more information go to or email moc.sdrawapuceht@ofni