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Gibela 2023 bursary open for TVET, university applicants

Gibela’s 2023 bursaries include full tuition, a book allowance, accommodation and meals. The bursaries are granted for one year and are renewable on an annual basis based on academic performance.
Bursary applicants must be:
- South African citizens with a South African barcoded identity document
- Enrolled or intending to enrol at a South African TVET institution (current N3/N4 candidates are encouraged to apply)
- Enrolled or intending to enrol at a South African university or university of technology (current first- and second-year candidates are encouraged to apply)
- Demonstrate potential for academic success
- In need of financial assistance
Gibela is the only train manufacturer in Africa. From its plant in Dunnottar, Ekurhuleni, Gauteng, Gibela is producing 600 new train sets for the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA). Gibela is also one of the fastest locomotive manufacturers in the world – having produced over 100 X’trapolis Mega commuter trains to date.
Gibela is an empowered company and on top of its core function of manufacturing trains, revitalising South’s Africa’s rail industry and enhancing commuter experience by producing faster, safer and more environmentally friendly trains (than the previous ones on our tracks), the company is also heavily committed to uplifting South African communities. One of the ways it does this is through each year offering over 100 bursaries for tertiary study at universities, universities of technology and TVET institutions.
Gibela bursaries for study at a university or university of technology are available in the following disciplines:
- Electrical, electronic, mechanical, metallurgical, and industrial engineering
- Computer science and information technology
- Accounting
- Supply chain and logistics management
The prerequisites for applying for a Gibela bursary at a university or university of technology are:
- A matric with level 6 for Mathematics, Physical Science and Accounting, and level 5 for English
- Written proof of acceptance for admission to a South African university or university of technology
- Proof of income from a parent or guardian
Gibela’s bursaries to study at TVET institutions are available for the following professions:
- Boilermakers
- Electricians
- Mechanics
- Welders
- Millwrights
- Pattern-makers
- Vehicle-builders
- Plumbers
- Control and instrumentation technicians
- Fitters and turners
The prerequisites for a Gibela bursary at a TVET institution are:
- A matric with Mathematics and Science, and English at level 4
- Written proof of acceptance for admission to a South African TVET institution
- Proof of income from a parent or guardian
The bursary applications close on 31 January 2023. Send a short CV, a certified copy of your academic records and a certified copy of your South African identity document to az.oc.liarytinummoc@seirasrubalebig or fax these to 086 246 2666.
Gibela will respond only to applicants who make it through the first round of assessments. If you have not been contacted by 28 February 2023, consider your application unsuccessful.
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