#EntrepreneurMonth: Next-generation entrepreneurship tips
Kempe’s speech at Tycoons of Wealth II was so well-received that her name went viral on social media. In just one week she had over 3,000 new friend requests on Facebook and almost 1,000 private messages from people all over the world asking for coaching, mentoring and investments. That opened up so many new doors for her to speak on other stages around the world and in front of thousands of people, with her journey as a global speaker rocketing from there. Watch her Women's Day interview with ANN7, where she explains how she has managed to achieve so much so early on in life below:
Here, Kempe lets us in on the business advantage of strategic thinking, as well as the impact of personal empowerment for your business brand…
You’re an entrepreneur, investor, business strategist and more – how do you fit it all in?
I’ve worked very hard to put everything into different systems, to push myself out of the business and focus on building new connections for greater business development. It’s a daily job to make sure I work on my business, the hardest part has been finding the right team of people that’s on the same page. The moment I understood how to put it all into different systems and found a great team to work with, I could take on more opportunities and do several things at the same time. That’s when it gets really fun, too – when you do it together with people on the same mission as you.
And the more you do, the more you can do. You’ve spoken at one of the largest business events in SA, to almost 2,000 people at Tycoons of Wealth II in Johannesburg. What was the experience like for you and attendees alike?
Speaking at the Tycoons of Wealth II was a fantastic experience, it took my business and brand to the next level. I got a fantastic response afterwards, with lots of new speaking engagements, media assignments, business opportunities and partnerships. It made me realise I have lots of work to do in South Africa, which is why I’ve come back several times afterwards to give back as much as I can.
So many entrepreneurs hit the ground running and turn into serial entrepreneurs. Explain how this happened for you, and whether there’s a specific personality type that seems most suited to entrepreneurial success.
I've got the gift to be able to think very strategically, which is a strong advantage as an entrepreneur or business owner. I can see several steps ahead beforehand and thus handle several things at the same time. Not everybody can think like this, which is why team work is so extremely important. If you can’t handle several things at the same time, find someone that can do so and put that person in your team. That way you will still be able to have several things going on at the same time, even if you don’t handle them all yourself.
Great business hack! Elaborate on the impact of personal empowerment for your business brand.
If you don’t grow, your business won’t grow. You won’t get greater relationships and you won’t be able to develop in the direction as you want. To be able to look in the mirror and understand that you’re the biggest reason why you don’t have the results in your life that you really want is the most important thing. If you’re aware of that, every choice you make every single day will lead to where you’ll be in the future, you’ll start becoming conscious of more things around you and start taking real control of your life. You’re the creator of your own life and you can become the person you really want to be with the right branding, relationships, credibility and team around you.
Share some tips for female entrepreneurs looking to make a break in the media industry in particular.
If you’re a female entrepreneur and you want to make a break in any industry, you need to stand out. You need to position yourself so that your message and looks is aligned with your inner truth.
When everything is at peace, it will show in you and you’ll gain more confidence and strength. Women have tremendous power if they just dare to be themselves and truly believe in their inner power. We all have it in us, it’s up to each and every one of us to show the world the real you. Because that’s when you truly stand out.
Sound advice. Follow Kempe on Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Facebook for further insights and visit our #EntrepreneurMonth special section for the latest updates and entrepreneurship tips!