#BizTrends2019: 8 big future food trends
We've compiled our research, insights, observations, interrogations, and intuitive gut feel of what is to come into a future food report broken down into the eight chapters here.
2019 theme
The biggest trend this coming season will be a very personal journey for all, about all of us wanting to be and do better.

Food appreciation
As natural resources become more precious and we become more mindful consumers, water will become honoured and revered and consumed ceremoniously. Meat will become a luxury item.
Eating extinction
As the problem of feeding the world's population in 2050 and beyond fast approaches, food designers will look for solutions in projects that focus on food waste, future eating rituals and the simulation of extinct ingredients.
African superfood pharmacy
From millet to marula, the world will soon be consuming superfoods from the continent for nutrition and healing.

Food Pangaea
With the rise of activism tackling anti-immigrant law and sentiment, will come the dawning of a new super cuisine as a movement of solidarity. Food will become a great connector like never before.
Plant kingdom
Superseding a 'trend', plant-based cooking will characterise eating in the near future.
Tactile eating
In an increasingly digital world where our fingertips are used predominantly to tap, swipe and scroll, we will see an emphasis on the design of tactile crockery and cutlery.

In today's world, there is immense pressure to innovate, we will see a pushback looking to heritage, tradition and 'granny cooking'.
Womxn in food
While the food industry is still a male-dominated arena at large, the foundations are shaking with the continuous rise of female empowerment.