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Last chance to have your say on domestic violence regulations

He was speaking during a webinar on the draft regulations on Wednesday.
The regulations follow the signing into law of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act Amendment Bill, the Criminal and Related Matters Amendment Bill and the Domestic Violence Amendment Bill by President Cyril Ramaphosa in January this year.
“The new draft regulations are necessary in order to give practical effect to changes in the law. We want to encourage stakeholders and all members of the public to submit their comments so that we can make sure we have regulations that make a meaningful impact on preventing and combatting GBV and femicide.
“All operational aspects contemplated in the Acts must be in place before the Acts can be put into operation. It is therefore crucial that we have the regulations in place, and the stakeholders and public are given an opportunity to submit their inputs on the drafts,” he said.
The regulations are a vast array of directives, including how a domestic violence safety monitoring notice can be served, and how an online portal will be created to allow GBV victims and survivors to apply for a protection order against perpetrators.
Some of the regulations build on those that are already in existence.
“Many of the regulations are not necessarily new but it’s important to highlight that additional insertions have been added to strengthen the provisions. For example, regulation 11 dealing with the issuing of an interim protection order, is not a new provision but additional insertions have been included to provide for the manner of service of documents on the respondent,” the Deputy Minister said.
Jeffery highlighted the importance of having a victim centred approach in the fight against GBV and femicide.
“We have to make the process as user friendly as possible so as not to cause any further trauma for the complainants, and also to ensure that they get the support and the services that they need,” Jeffery said.
Comments on the draft regulations can be sent by no later than 10am on Monday, 11 July to Mr M Mokulubete in the following ways:
- Comments forwarded by post can be addressed to – The Director-General: Justice and Constitutional Development, Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001
- If hand delivered, the comments can be delivered at SALU Building, Room 23.22, 316 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria
- Comments that are sent in by email, can be sent to az.vog.ecitsuj@etebulukoMM
- Faxed comments can be sent to 086 519 8972.
For more information, please contact Mokulubete on +27 (0)12 406 4755.
The draft regulations are available on the Justice Department website at https://www.justice.gov.za/legislation/invitations/invites.htm.
Source: SAnews.gov.za

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