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Wisdom Forum hosts great entrepreneurial minds

This year, the Wisdom Forum will explore how cultivating the next class of entrepreneurs will provide the opportunities needed to grow South Africa's economy, and the event will provide insight into the strategies of well-known international and local entrepreneurs who are making waves in their industries.
The speaker line-up includes Zev Siegl, co-founder of Starbucks and self-proclaimed serial entrepreneur, as well as Stephen Archer, founding partner of UK business strategy consultancy Spring Partnerships. They will share the ingenious thinking that has shaped their respective industries and paint a picture of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the future.
Joining them for a thought-provoking panel discussion will be Natasha Sideris, founder of Tasha's - one of South Africa's hippest and most successful eateries - and Matsi Modise, Managing Director of the SiMODiSA Association.
Programme of events and speaker line-up:
19h30 - 19h40: Welcome by Clement Chinaka, MD of Old Mutual Corporate
19h40 - 20h15: Address by international guests speaker - Zev Siegl
20h45 - 21h10: Presentation by Stephen Archer
21h25 - 22h30: Panel discussion with international guests speakers and local entrepreneurs, followed by a Q&A
For more information on the event and the live streamed video, visit www.oldmutual.co.za/corporate/wisdom-forum.