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Wind turbines signal revitalisation of green tech SEZ

Manufacturing industries, in particular, stand to benefit from wind farms that are currently being constructed around the country. Two of these large power generating plants, will be receiving their turbine tower sections from GRI, a Spanish wind tower manufacturer, which has invested R475m to date, and was one of the first to see the benefits of locating in the Atlantis SEZ. Even prior to designation of the SEZ, GRI had made the most of the City of Cape Town's available infrastructure and rapid land release and approvals process to land them on their chosen ground.
Green economy
GRI weathered the storm of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Purchase Programme's fourth bidding window (BW4) delays and were able to ramp up to full operations again after confirming contracts in BW4, which include Kangnas Wind Farm and Perdekraal East Wind Farm.
“GRI's South African wind tower company is 25% owned by local black shareholders, whilst their 250 or so employees have benefited from skills transfer, some seeing training and experience in Spain and USA, and bringing their skills back to the community,” explained Francis Jackson, SEZ project executive, GreenCape.
The Atlantis Green Technology SEZ was a deliberate effort to create manufacturing, broadly in the green economy, and with specific opportunities in renewables. “Kangnas Wind Farm is the first REI4P power producer to receive towers manufactured by GRI, following the industry’s two year impasse, with the manufacturer’s full capacity dedicated to these projects,” explain Manie Kotze, Construction Project Manager for Kangnas Wind Farm.
Kangnas Wind Farm is situated in the Nama Khoi Municipal area, in the Northern Cape. This province is the recipient of the majority of IPP’s from the latest bid window, green lighted almost a year ago.