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Col'Cacchio raises funds for hospital trust

The 2013 line up of celebrity pizzas was presented by renowned chefs, Liam Tomlin, David Grier and the Charly's Bakery team, with the winner of the Pizza Challenge Live, Jade Fairbrother, rounding off the series in August. Pizza lovers flocked to Col'Cacchio Pizzeria stores and an incredible 33 999 celebrity pizzas were eaten over the four month campaign.
Sharing creativity
"We rolled out the red carpet this year and the response was overwhelming. The 2013 Celebrity Chef Series has been a real success. 33,999 pizzas sold and R339,225 raised for a cause very close to our hearts," director of Col'Cacchio Pizzeria Holdings, Kinga Baranowska, commented. "I want to thank our celebrity chefs for sharing their creativity, the Pizza Challenge Live contestants for their delicious inventions and our customers for their wonderful support and making this contribution possible."
This year's donation is going towards the building of South Africa's first Childsafe Research and Education Centre, which will aim to prevent both intentional and unintentional accidents in South Africa by strengthening community engagement through research, education and advocacy. "We are delighted that Col'Cacchio Pizzeria once again selected the Children's Hospital Trust as the beneficiary for this worthy campaign. We are always surprised by not only the generous amount Col'Cacchio donates through the public's support, but also the awareness they generate for the hospital," says Louise Driver, CEO of the Children's Hospital Trust.