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Junior Mining & Exploration Conference & Exhibition: The time to invest is now

Entrepreneurs, explorers and miners alike are set to gather for this inaugural event. One of the key focus areas of the event will be to determine what needs to be achieved in order to attract increased investment into junior mining.
Mining for investment:
Geared towards investors looking for openings in exploration ventures, mining projects and those searching for stock market value amongst mid-cap producers, the event provides an ideal opportunity for the investment community to make better informed investment decisions. This due to the fact that they will be afforded the opportunity to meet many of the mining sector's key individuals, who will be gathered in one place, at the same time.
Says IIR BV SA Project Manager, Paula Munsie, "The Junior Mining & Exploration Conference has secured an unrivalled panel of leading figures within the SA mining landscape. They will be sharing first-hand how they plan to unlock value in their mining projects, secure long-term funding from exploration to production and grow their businesses from juniors to mid-tier producers and beyond."
Bernard Swanepoel, Village Main Reef; Nchakha Moloi, Motjoli Resources; John Wallington, Coal of Africa; Steve Phiri, Royal Bafokeng Platinum; Moss Radingoana, Sekoko Resources; Paul Miller, Keaton Energy; Philip Kotze, Wits Gold; Lelau Mohuba, Sephaku Holdings; Tony Harwood, Montero Mining & Exploration; Daphne Mashile-Nkosi, Kalahari Resources; James Campbell, Rockwell Diamonds, Rob Still, Pangea Group and Michael Solomon, J&J Group -are just some of the mining industry's key people set to debate these, and other issues.
Putting your money where your mine is
Within the parameters of the Junior Mining & Exploration Conference, investors and bankers will put forward their views to the mining industry, on what it takes to deliver an attractive investment proposition and what their current strategies of engagement are. In addition, junior and mid-tier mining companies will discover what they can do in order to attract long-term funding and international investment.
Investment in the mining spotlight:
Rob Still, former director of Metorex, will deliver his insights into private equity funding for mining projects. Neil Gardyne of the New Africa Mining Fund, Nerina Visser of Nedbank Capital, and Tim Clark of Deutsche Securities, are also amongst those who will debate how to create a robust investor landscape as exists in countries such as Canada and Australia. Noah Greenhill, well known in the mining industry from his days at the JSE, and now with Sasfin Capital, will lead the discussion on the most favourable financing and funding options for juniors from exploration to bankable venture; from exploration finance to mine development and on-going production finance, from junior to mid-cap producer. He will assess the role of debt versus equity; how to best access international capital markets; benchmark the JSE, TSX, ASX and others; evaluate the role of project finance; DFIs and commercial lending institutions and assess the characteristics, strengths and challenges associated with different sources of finance. Joining him is Kevin Hodges, of the Industrial Development Corporation, and Stephan Vermaak, of the International Finance Corporation, who will discuss equity finance for early stage mining projects, as well as funding structures for juniors.
Concludes Munsie, "The event is a must for those wishing to compile a compelling investment case to raise finance, attract international investment capital and successfully list a junior mining company. Other important issues under discussion will encompass how mining companies are optimising their assets, creating long-term sustainable businesses and moving from juniors into the mid-cap producer space."
Munsie also stresses that investors, explorers and miners should definitely attend the Junior Mining & Exploration Conference & Exhibition, and decide for themselves where the real opportunities lie within the different commodity sectors of: Platinum; Gold; Coal; Manganese; Chrome; Rare earths; Diamonds; Iron Ore and more in both South Africa and the major mining economies of the SADC region.
Sponsorship opportunities:
For customised sponsorship opportunities; please contact:
- Barbara Ellis: on + 27 (0) 11 771 7143 or email: az.oc.rii@silleb
Three easy ways to register:
Call IIR BV SA on: + 27 (0) 11 771 7000
Email: az.oc.rii@snoitartsiger
Online: www.juniormining.co.za
Visit: www.juniormining.co.za for a full list of speakers and the first agenda release.
Speakers to date September 2012
Bernard Swanepoel, Village Main Reef
Steve Phiri, Royal Bafokeng Platinum
Michael Solomon, J&J Group
Richard Linnell, formerly Coal of Africa
Rob Still, Pangea Group
Daphne Mashile-Nkosi, Kalahari Resources
Paul Miller, Keaton Energy
Philip Kotze, Wits Gold
Nchakha Moloi, Motjoli Resources
Michael Spicer, Business Leadership SA
John Wallington, Coal of Africa
Tony Harwood, Montero Mining & Exploration
Moss Radingoana, Sekoko Resources
Lelau Mohuba, Sephaku Holdings
James Campbell, Rockwell Diamonds
Frank Gregory, The Mineral Corporation
Ernst Venter, Exxaro Resources Limited
Godfrey Gomwe, Anglo American Thermal Coal
Tim Clark, Deutsche Securities
Peter Major, Cadiz Corporate Solutions
Chris Hart, Investment Solutions
Brandon Irsigler, Norton Rose
Ingrid Watson, Centre for Sustainability in Mining and Industry (CSMI)
Peter Sullivan, Landelahni and formerly The Star
Peter Temane, South African Mining Development
Association (SAMDA)
Xolani Mkhwanazi, Chamber of Mines of South Africa
Bheki Sibiya, Chamber of Mines of South Africa
Frans Baleni, General Secretary, National Union of Mineworkers
Brian Dames, Eskom Holdings
Siyabonga Gama, Transnet Freight Rail
Stewart Foya, Council for Geoscience
Neil Gardyne, New Africa Mining Fund
Noah Greenhill, Sasfin Capital
Peter Leon, Webber Wentzel
Andrew Mitchell, Bell Dewar
Nerina Visser, Nedbank Capital
Roger Dixon, SRK Consulting
Chris Stevens, Werksmans Attorneys
Kiren Maharaj, Eskom Holdings
Simon Tuma-Waku, Chamber of Mines of the DRC
Andrew Crickmay, Crickmay & Associates
John James, Colenso Power
Dick Kruger, Chamber of Mines of South Africa
Claude Baissac, Eunomix