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Militant union demands that Everest mine reopens
He also claimed Aquarius Platinum had broken labour laws by not consulting with workers over the decision taken last month to place the mine on care and maintenance.
Faced with lower platinum group metal prices and overproduction, Aquarius has taken the lead in mothballing its operations, halting production at three mines "pending better prices and improved industrial relations" while focusing on its Kroondal, Mimosa and tailings operations, says Platinum Today.
"We call on the board to withdraw their decision and reopen the mine," Mathunjwa said, adding that AMCU is willing to go to court to force Aquarius Platinum to reopen the mine. It appears that, while firms place mining operations on hold to await better prices, the spectre of worsening industrial relations may be growing, Platinum Today reports.
Read the full story on www.platinum.matthey.com